Join the Poway Democratic Club

Membership in the Poway Democratic Club is open to all registered Democrats. You don't need to be a resident of Poway, but the majority of members are.

The benefits of being a member:

  • You are eligible to vote on candidate endorsements made by the Club.
  • You are eligible to vote for the Club's elected officers.
  • You are eligible to run for an elected position within the Club.
  • You receive a free magnetic nametag with the PDC logo, for use at club meetings and political events.
  • Your dues help fund our events, mailings, information booths, and other work toward building a fair, inclusive, and responsible government at all levels!

Annual membership dues:

  • $25 for an Individual Membership
  • $40 for a Dual Membership
  • $55 for Household Membership (all registered Democrats in your household)

If the dues above pose a hardship, please contact a club officer to request a no-cost membership.

To join, please complete the membership form:

Register / Renew Online

Alternatively, you can print the membership form and bring it to our monthly meeting or mail it to us with your payment.

Download the Membership Form [PDF]

Our mailing address:

Poway Democratic Club
PO Box 28
Poway CA 92074

By becoming a member, you will join an energized group of people with similar values that are working to make our city, county, state, and country a better place to live.